We desire to be a community in whcih children receive the radical welcome of Jesus Christ. We support families and children as they respond to the invitation of Jesus, their Good Shepherd, to “Follow me.”
As a faith community we:
- Welcome and include children in our worship and mission
- Provide resources for families in nurturing children on the journey of faith
- Offer Children’s Worship classes and childcare during alternate Sunday services
Sunday worship
Alternate Sundays there are worship classes downstairs in the lower hall, for children ages 3 years - grade 12, we call these services Focus Sunday. The other Sundays are All-In services. The whole congregation (adults and children) is together in the sanctuary and these services are designed with children very much in mind. Children are encouraged to participate and are welcomed just as they are whether wiggly, noisy, shy or however they come.
Nursery: birth to walking
There is a quiet room for parents to nurse or feed their babies, change diapers, and hear the sermon through a speaker.
Parents are also welcome to stay with their infants in the sanctuary during the sermon. The presence of children reminds us what it means to belong to the whole people of God.
Toddler Room: walking to 3 years old
The toddler room is supervised by parents or screened volunteers from the congregation. Children and adults play together and build relationships in the community of Christ.
Children’s worship: classes for ages 3 to 12 (Alternate Sundays)
Ages 3-5, Godly Play
The Godly Play model has these basic elements:
Hearing sacred story together
Wondering together about how God’s story and our stories meet
Responding creatively to God’s story through the important work of play
To get a glimpse into the wonder of Godly Play:
Watch video or visit Godly Play Canada website
Ages 6-12
We continue to use the Godly Play model of hearing God’s story in Scripture but also incorporate other elements:
Creative art projects and drama
Creation walks
Exploring important stories from the life of the church such as saints and the history of the relationship between the First People and the newcomers in Canada
Inviting guests from the congregation to share from thier journey with Christ
Appreciating the richness of the whole Christian tradition by learning about practices such as the use of icons in the Eastern Orthodox tradition and prayer beads from the Catholic tradition
Please contact Melanie Colenutt, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Families, for more information.